How To: Wear a pashmina fashionably in different ways

Wear a pashmina fashionably in different ways

This video shows how to wear a Pashmina, also called ladies muffler, in several different style of fashion. First, with a Pashmina, half fold it, then wear it around your neck accordingly, and pass it from the closed end as tie. Then, stretch to close around the neck. Now, for the second way, open it again, wear it from the center, in a way, that it hangs from the back of the neck, give it two folds and stretch it in opposite directions, so that it is tied around the neck, then make a knot from the back side. Now, for the third way, open it again, then wear it in a way that it is hanging from the front of the neck, landing its both ends at your back. Then give the both ends a complete turn around your neck, and bring them in front. Then finally make a knot and tie it towards your neck gently. Now, for the forth way, don't open the Pashmina again, instead just put the two ends, in your jacket, in a way that only the folds around your neck are viewed from the jacket. Now, for the fifth way, open it again, half fold it, then wear it around your neck accordingly, and pass the two ends from the closed end as tie. Then, stretch to close around the neck in a different way. This is how these several ways can be adopted to wear a Pashmina shawl/muffler.

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